9 Best Countries for Indians to Travel without Visa

9 Best Countries for Indians to Travel without Visa

When planning an international trip, applying for a visa is first & an important requirement. Needless to say, applying for visa is a daunting task. A lot of time and resources have to spend to attain the required visa for any particular time. Though a number of agencies offer visa assistance services in Bhubaneswar to simplify the application process, it is still a time-consuming task that dims the excitement of vacation.

But there are several countries you can flock to where a visa is not required for Indians! Yes, it is possible to enjoy your vacation in those countries without obtaining a visa. Continue reading to know more about these countries.

What is visa-free travel?

Visa-free travel is all about to travel such countries where you don’t have to face any restrictions without a valid visa. This is applicable if two countries have an agreement for visa-free travel for their citizens or if one has opened up the borders for any particular foreign nationals.

Countries that don’t require a visa from Indians

Here is the list of the countries that don’t require any visa from Indians for a period of time. One can easily avail the visa free travel to these countries and can opt for the best travel packages offered by Swosti Travels Bhubaneswar.

1.Maldives (maximum of 3 months)

2.Mauritius (maximum of 3 months)

3.Indonesia (maximum of 1 month)

4.Barbados (maximum of 3 months)

5.Macau (maximum of 1 month)

6.Qatar (maximum of 1 month)

7.Jamaica (maximum of 1 month)

8.Haiti (maximum of 3 months)

9.Fiji (maximum of 4 months)


Though these countries require no visa from Indians, it is crucial to check the entry requirements before visiting the country. It is also vital that you shouldn’t stay post a visa-free period; otherwise, the law enforcement agencies of those countries will take action, and you may not be allowed to revisit the country. Visa Agency in Bhubaneswar helps to learn about the terms and conditions of visa-free travel to these countries. Contact it to educate yourself about the visa-free trip!

Blog Source: http://blog.swostiindia.com/9-best-countries-for-indians-to-travel-without-visa/


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